Abstinent Wedding Night Bliss eBook

Wedding Night Bliss eBook + Parts of the Wedding Night Survival Guide
For brides who are practicing abstinence until their wedding night, but aren’t virgins.
(If you're a Virgin Bride, visit these 2 links instead: http://bit.ly/WeddingNightBlisseBook and http://bit.ly/WeddingNightSG )


·         The Full Wedding Night Bliss eBook (ALL of the Guilt and Shame Information)
·         Plus, the most helpful parts of the Wedding Night Survival Guide
·         New! Access to the Private Facebook Group
·         For Abstinent Brides

                   All of the                                          Parts of the
      Wedding Night Bliss eBook    +    Wedding Night Survival Guide =           Abstinence Special

Why You Need the Wedding Night Bliss eBook:
1.       To prepare your mind and emotions for this new chapter in your life.
2.       Even if you’ve had sex before, you could still experience emotional issues once you start having sex again.
3.       There’s a spiritual difference between having unmarried sex, and Married Sex. This helps you transition into that new responsibility.
4.       Even if you’re excited, and don’t have any reservations about having Married Sex, you may be surprised at how you react when the time comes.

Why You Need parts of the Wedding Night Survival Guide eBook:
1.       When you experience a time of abstinence your vagina tightens up, almost to what it was like when you were a virgin. (Depending on how long you’ve been abstinent.)
a.       Even if you’ve only experienced a few months of abstinence, your vagina will have tightened significantly.
2.       You may need a reminder of certain things, because you haven’t had sex in a while.
3.       You may not expect your body to be so much like a virgin, so you may not take certain precautions without me telling you to.
4.       There are certain things you could have done better your first time around, that I can help you with this time around.

If you’ve had sex before, do you REALLY needs all these eBooks???
I often get asked if the Wedding Night Bliss eBook, and the Wedding Night Survival Guide eBook is needed for Abstinent Brides. What I mean by Abstinent Bride is a bride who has had sex in the past, but is practicing abstinence until her Wedding Night. You definitely need the Wedding Night Bliss eBook, but to be honest, you don’t need all of the Wedding Night Survival Guide.

Some of you Abstinent Brides still need instruction on having great sex, so this isn’t for you. (Check the links below to find the right eBooks for you.
Some of you Abstinent Brides have a horrible past with sex. You knew you weren’t supposed to be doing it, so you didn’t put any effort into learning how to have good sex. Or for any other reason, you just happened to have a history of bad sex. When I say bad, I mean it wasn’t physically enjoyable for you. It didn’t feel pleasurable in your body. Not just because you felt guilty, so you couldn’t enjoy yourself. But it literally didn’t feel good. If that’s you, then you need the Wedding Night Bliss eBook AND the full Wedding Night Survival Guide eBook. This Abstinence Special isn’t for you. Here are the links to get those. http://bit.ly/WeddingNightSG and http://bit.ly/WeddingNightBlisseBook

Some of you Abstinent Brides already know how to have great sex. In that case, this is the PERFECT eBook for you.
But some of you Abstinent Brides had great sex in your past. The only thing wrong with your sex life is that you realized (or maybe you knew all along) that sex outside of marriage isn’t God’s will. If that’s you, then you don’t need most of the Wedding Night Survival Guide. There are parts that you could benefit from, but it would be a waste of money to buy the whole thing. So, I created the Abstinence Special. You still get ALL of the Wedding Night Bliss eBook, which you need whether you’ve had sex before, or not. BUT I pulled the parts of the Wedding Night Survival Guide out that you need. So you can get just what you need, in a set that I created just for you. J


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