12 Things You Need for Your Honeymoon

Yay! You're planning a wedding, and honeymoon! Traveling can be stressful, but check out these items to help make your trip go seamlessly!

5. Selfie Stick
You're in a different country, looking like the tourists you are. Are you really going to hand your camera or phone over to a stranger and for them to take a picture of you? Better be safe, and bring a selfie stick. You can take pictures of you and your new hub, and still get that exotic background in the picture, too.

6. Underwater Phone Pouch
This thing is awesome. Put your phone inside, and take it with you in the pool, or while jet skiing. And don't miss out on getting those gorgeous pictures. Your phone is still fully functional!

7. Phone Camera Lens
I'd love to buy a nice expensive camera to take amazing pictures. But they're so expensive! Get this lens and upgrade your pictures. Plus, it's easier to carry around than a big, bulky camera. And less obvious for those sneaky pick-pockets.

8. Hooded Travel Pillow
This may look a little silly, but who cares when you sleeping nice and comfortable on that 12 hour international flight? You know how cold those planes get!

9. Converter
Plugging in your hair curler (for all those romantic dinners), and phone charger (to update your friends and family through Facebook) won't work in different countries without a converter. Don't ruin a historical hotel's electricity like they did in Just Married. lol

10. Portable Phone Charger
When you're out touring a new city or lounging on the beach, there may not be any places to charge your phone. It's good to have something portable, so you can charge on-the-go!

11. Headphone Splitter
I had NEVER heard of this before. But it's genius! For when you and your new hub want to watch a movie together on the plane. You can both connect your headphone and listen together. No more trying to share one pair of headphones.

12. Compression Socks
Make sure you arrive feeling great. No leg cramps or poor circulation ruining your flight, or honeymoon.

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1. Luggage Tags
Make sure no one mistakes your luggage for theirs with these matching luggage tags. Plus, it’s the perfect way to travel for the first time as hub and wife.
Mrs. E Luggage Tag
Mr. E Luggage Tag
(To find your last name go to Cafepress.com/MrMrs1> Choose Mr. or Mrs.> Choose Letter of Last Name> Fun Gifts)

2. Pajamas
Maybe hub doesn’t want like to dress alike in public. That’s a little too corny for him. But he can’t argue about matching in the hotel room. No one will see you guys. (Accept for when you post that selfie on Instagram. Lol)
Mr. O Pajamas
Mrs. O Pajamas
(To find your last name go to Cafepress.com/MrMrs1> Choose Mr. or Mrs.> Choose Letter of Last Name> Clothing)

3. Money Clips
Every traveler knows you need a money clip to hide some money. In case you lose your wallet or get pick pocketed, you’ll always have some backup money. 
Mr. J Money Clip
Mrs. J Money Clip
(To find your last name go to Cafepress.com/MrMrs1> Choose Mr. or Mrs.> Choose Letter of Last Name> Fun Gifts)

5. Travel Bags
Don't forge about your carry-on! No one can pretend that they didn't know you two are married. :)
Mrs. T Tote Bag
Mr. T Duffle Bag
(To find your last name go to Cafepress.com/MrMrs1> Choose Mr. or Mrs.> Choose Letter of Last Name> Kitchen)

5. Water Bottles
If you’re going to an warm, exotic place where you’ll be hiking and walking a lot, you may want to bring some refillable water bottles. And these are just the cutest for your honeymoon.
(To find your last name go to Cafepress.com/MrMrs1> Choose Mr. or Mrs.> Choose Letter of Last Name> Bags, Purses, or Wallets)


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