The Myth of the Virgin Bride: Guest Blog for DA Weddings

Hello my Blissful Brides! And of course, hello to my Blissful Singles, the Blissfully Taken, and the Blissful Sex Vixens (the marrieds).
I’m thrilled to announce that I was asked to guest blog on a great wedding planning site called, DA Weddings. This site, founded by Dominque Mondesir, has tons of wedding planning information, for brides and planners, alike! And if you’re stumped on what the theme of your wedding will be, take a gander at DA Weddings! It’s chalk-full of wedding themes to give you the inspiration you need to get started. And just recently, DA Weddings started offering something I’m very excited about. Now, you can purchase your very own, personalized wedding theme! Email me at if you have questions about DA Weddings!

The post I wrote is called, “The Myth of the Virgin Bride.” Do they really exist? Go to to find out! (And it of course applies to Abstinent Brides, as well!) Come tell me what you thought of the post at .

Buy my eBook, The Wedding Night Survival Guide for under $10, for the basics of what you need to know to have a blissful Wedding Night. 
Get your FREE Men's Wedding Night Survival Guide by signing up to be on my email list for engaged and married women, here.
Click here to be on my email list for Abstinent Women/Christian Singles/Christian Dating, and Mommies who want their teenage daughters to remain Abstinent.

Driana, The Blissful Wife

**If you're a Christian single or in a Christian dating relationship, striving for abstinence until marriage, please sign up for my email list. Only 4% of adults are abstinent. That means that you probably won't make it! You have to do something more than just going to church every Sunday to make it to the altar a virgin or abstinent. I made it, and I want to help you!**

**If you're part of a Christian couple practicing abstinence, and starting to plan your Christian wedding, sign up for my email list. I know you're looking for premarital counseling, but don't forget about guidance for your wedding night and married sex life. I'm sure as a Virgin Bride or Abstinent Bride you're nervous about your wedding night. I can give you the information you need to have the most blissful wedding night and transition into married sex possible.**

**If you're a mom and want help making sure your teenager continues practicing abstinence until marriage, sign up for my email list.**

If you’re a Christian couple practicing abstinence until your wedding night you’ve come to the right place. When it’s time to prepare for your Christian wedding and you look for premarital counseling, don’t forget to look for guidance and advice for your wedding night and transition into married sex. A Christian couple who practices abstinence until their wedding night is doing a great thing. And when the time comes for their Christian wedding, most look for premarital counseling, but forget about help for their wedding night and transition into married sex. So if you’re a Christian couple practicing abstinence until your wedding night, keep this in mind. When you get engaged and prepare for your Christian wedding, it’s very important to look for premarital counseling, as well as, help for your wedding night and transition into married sex. So remember! A Christian couple practicing abstinence until their wedding night has a lot to consider once they start planning their Christian wedding. Not only do they have to find premarital counseling, they have to find advice and guidance for their wedding night and their transition into married sex.


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